This write up was awesome. It made this job a lot easier.

Added: October 28, 2008
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enjoyed the site. It is obvious that you are taking the time to do things correctly. enjoyed looking through all the headings. Thanks. GandG

Added: October 28, 2008
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Thanks for the info and the great pictures. I Was able to get the job done without any problems. Couldn't have done it without this site.

Added: October 28, 2008
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Thanks to all for the nice feedback! I am glad this site is useful to you.

Added: October 18, 2008
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Excellent - I usually have to talk to 5 or 6 people around town, search the net, go to the library, phone a ford dealership, usually break a thing or two, pick up new pieces, etc., to get any of the info you have on the site. Thanks, this will make my DIY project much easier.

Added: October 9, 2008
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Bad a** instructions man..went to dealer today and they quoted me over a 1000. crzy but true, mech said i should do it myself. found this site and now have confidence to do the job.appreciate the detail and time u put into this.

Added: September 26, 2008
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Very professional instructions. Thanks !

Added: September 12, 2008
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Very well written and pictures are very helpful. thanks for your time posting this procedure.

Added: August 15, 2008
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Love your site, I've gotten heaps of helpful info that in Australia is otherwise hard to get. I want to be able to operate low range in 2wd only (turn off the 4wd) for reversing my large caravan on hard surfaces. Do you have any idea how I might be able to do this?

Added: August 1, 2008
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Thanks good job on the write ups with the pictures looks easy enough. Almost like wrenching on old iron. Know whats hsppening this weekend now. Again thanks

Added: July 23, 2008
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